Ability Test

What is the Ability Test?

Students are evaluated over the course of one week to assess their performance in various aspects of music. There are four main parts to this test.

The Four Stages of Ability Test (Hearing Test):

  • Rhythm Repeat: This measures how well students can repeat rhythms using a special technique. The target full score is 10.
  • Voice Repeat: Students are evaluated on up to 10 specific sounds. The target full score is 10.
  • Singing: Candidates are judged on how well they can sing a given song. The target full score is 10.
  • Homework (1 and 2): This is measured on how well candidates understand and interpret the songs given to them, how much they worked on it, and how well they have responded. Each homework assignment is worth up to 5 points.

How is the Test Scored?

A panel of five experts in music will evaluate the students, and the highest possible score a student can get from all the evaluations combined is 40 points.